Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman

Only An Ocean Away

Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuímos a letra.

Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente! Clique aqui.
I see a shadow every day and night. 
I walk a hundred streets of neon lights, 
Only when I'm crying. 
Can you hear me crying. 
So many times you always wanted more, 
Chasing illusions that you're longing for. 
Wish I wasn't crying. 
Can you hear me crying. 
There's an ocean between us. 
You know where to find me. 
You reach out and touch me. 
I feel you in my own heart. 
More than a lifetime. 
Still goes on forever. 
But it helps to remember 
You're only an ocean away. 
Was there a moment when I felt no pain. 
I want to feel it in my life again. 
Let it be over now. 
Oh Oh over now. 
'Cause I remember all the days and nights 
We used to walk the streets of neon lights 
Oh I want you here with me. 
Oh be here with me. 
There's an ocean between us. 
You know where to find me. 
You reach out and touch me. 
I feel you in my own heart. 
More than a lifetime 
Still goes on forever. 
But it helps to remember 
You're only an ocean away. 
So many times you always wanted more, 
Chasing illusions that you're longing for. 
Wish I wasn't crying. 
Can you hear me crying. 
There's an ocean between us. 
You know where to find me. 
Just reach out and touch me. 
I feel you in my own heart. 
More than a lifetime 
It seems like forever. 
But I'll always remember 
You're only an ocean away. 
Only an ocean away. 
Composição de Per Andreasson