Matt Baron
  • Sexo: Masculino
  • Principal instrumento: Guitarra
  • Disponível para bandas: Tô topando!
  • Quem sou old time songwriter, musician - self taught over 30 years on guitars, keys, drums, bass, and now tring to learn to play the lap steel. I've been in a few bands years ago, but lately only play and record for myself. much of my gear is Gibson and Fender vintage, Roland, boss; but I've upgraded some amps, effects and my studio to a digital 24 track Tascam. I like to write and multi-track my own songs, and learn to play cover tunes, mostly on guitar - great around the campfire or just feeling the mood to jam. I like 80's rock, hair bands, country, oldies - most anything. I prefer to teach myself because it stays with me better, so that I can sing, harmonize, and listen to the arrangement without thinking about what I'm playing - it all becomes muscle memory. I only wish that I had more time to practice, and a band to back me up. Keep Rockin'!
membro desde 01/2017