Chris Ckwest
  • Sexo: Masculino
  • Principal instrumento: Guitarra
  • Disponível para bandas: Tô topando!
  • Quem sou Denver based, 25yr guitarist, frontman, singer/ songwriter, covers/originals, started as solo acoustic hired performer, then 10 more years band frontman, blues, groove blues, rock, southern&Texas blues, as well as funk, i.e.: The Meters. Mix of genre whether acoustic or electric, Dead, Allmans, Meters, Dylan, Neil, Clapton, L.Feat, Marley, Van, SRV, plus many Traditionals, and open to many others. Would like to add styles from: Cake, Traveling Wilbury's, Mumford Sons, Nataniel Radcliffe etc etc.
membro desde 02/2020