Black Eyed Sceva

Adrian James

Black Eyed Sceva

Tablaturas Nível avançado nível avançado
Outros instrumentos
This is faaarrrrr from perfect, and there are probably a thousand ways 
of doing this song. But here is the best I can do right now. 
Capo 1st fret.  tabs relative to capo 
Intro Soft 
|-x-x-x-x--x-x-x-----hree more times--------------------------- 
Tab 1: 
       "It's father's day...               body celebrates..." 
Tab 2 (Unsure of this one) 
Tab 3: 
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadrian  Jaaaaaaaaaaammes Left Mar   
iiiiirrrreeeeee  and son   1/3 of the whole was gone" 
Tab 4  "been reeeeeplaced..." 
|--3-3-3-----3-----3--3---3---seven more times----------------- 
"Sometimes...I wonder if I..." 
Tab 5 
Tab 1 
  It's father's day everbody celebrates but me 
I forgot again for the 23 year in a row 
but I don't know If I'm bitter or just a bit confused 
on days like this, how could you how could you not be 
Tab 2 
Tab 1 
  the letter I got  
wrinkled and yellow from years hidden in some cardboard box 
mom didn't want me to see until I was old enough 
what advice to give your son you said 
do what think is right, in life you can never go wrong 
Tab 3 
When Adrian James left Marie and Son 
One third of the whole was gone 
Tab 1 
Did you miss the part about until death do us part well did that 
wedding ring really not mean anything to you 
Adrian if I could meet you now would you act anything like a father should 
Would you find it hard to call me son 
Tab 4 
My father, fallible father 
has been replaced, been replaced 
by my Father, heavenly Father 
Some times, I wonder if I 
would ever grow to love anyone like him 
Tab 3 
sometimes I wonder if I 
would ever grow to look anything like him 
Tab 5 
Then Tab 2 a whole bunch, with solo (which i didn't tab out) 
I am unsure of a lot of this, specifically Tab it's fair game for corrections.

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