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Capo 5 

Darlin' all I really know 
         G           F           C 
Is that I've been falling for you 
Darlin', darlin what do you say? 
        G        F           C 
Have you been falling for me too? 

            G            Am         C     Am 
And if you fall, if you fall, I'll catch you 
                 G       Am        C      F 
So why wont you fall in love with me 
            G            Am          C    Am 
And if you fall, if you fall, I'll catch you 
              G       Am        C 
Why wont you fall in love with me? 

Darlin, darlin it's my turn to tell you 
      G           F            C 
What I've been keeping to myself 
Falling, falling is not so hard 
          G              F        C 
When the falling is in love with you 

      G          Am           C     Am 
Oh I fell, oh I fell but you caught me 
      G          Am                C   F 
Oh I fell, oh I fell in love with you (x4) 

Interlude: C 

Falling, falling is not so hard 
            G           Am        C 
When the falling is in love with you

Enviado por: Andressa Souza

Corrigido por: sem correções